Federal CID Agent turns Author. Writing provides outlet for PTSD issues. Stuart L Scott. I stopped suffering in silence.

By Catherine | 04/08/2019 |

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I Didn’t suffer in silence. I dealt with my PTSD through writing. US Federal CID Agent Stuart L. Scott turns experiences into a romance novel and a humorous compilation of short stories. My experiences are woven into my fiction books. My writing is my legacy. ‘Prisoners of War’ and short-stories book, ‘Gritty, Grisly and Greedy Stories Inspired By True Crooks and Crimes From My 28 Years As A Fed.’

Outside Magazine Online freelance writer Eva Holland; Physician’s Assistant Kayla inspired by Starfish Story

By Catherine | 04/01/2019 |

Eva Holland is a free-lance writer for Outside magazine. She also does work for National Geographic and other publications. She write stories that will have some meaning for people but the stories don’t have to be super serious because there’s something fun in reading about schlepping across the sea ice.
Island Medicine Physician’s Assistant Kayla is inspired by the starfish story. Kayla is a medical provider in rural Alaska. Through focus groups she re-instills a sense of camaraderie for veterans.

Czech Vegan Philosopher – Martin Zeman, Czech Republic

By Catherine | 03/25/2019 |

Becoming vegan is a choice I am able to make.  
In the past, people in Czech Republic couldn’t really make those choices because of the scarcity of so many things but today we have developed a very competitive country.
The old regime is recent and people still remember that and so whenever there are ways or rules that seem impossible we will find a way through it.  
We have the freedom to study and the freedom to travel.  
Being a vegan was a choice I made about a year ago but I was thinking about quitting eating meat for a long time.  The final step was the inspiration from Joaquin Phoenix and the movie ‘Earthlings.’
It was narrated by Joaquin Phoenix and it shows the brutal truth about the food industry and that kind of made me do the next step and quit eating all animal products– meat, dairy products, eggs.
The pure reason behind my being vegan is ethical for me. My selection of food doesn’t involve cruelty in killing animals.  There are other options out there of what to eat and I can replace everything.  I just feel better.
Martin talks about learning English working with an American carnival and he shares his philosophies. Take a listen.

Natural Disaster survivors find hope through All Hands and Hearts global response team. Relief from volunteers in purple shirts

By Catherine | 03/18/2019 |

We can’t control nature but we can control the actions that we take in a natural disaster. Every situation that we deal with a homeowner or school child or whatever it is those situations are each heart-wrenching and they are beautiful and you walk away feeling on top of the world when you hear the words ‘thank you’ because I don’t think you will ever hear a thank you that means as much as that does.
I want to encourage anybody who’s listening to be a part of this. It is an experience that will change your life completely and it will change it for the better. Come and join us.  

Archaeologist recovers human remains. History vanishes as ice melts- Anne M. Jensen; Vanessa Crandell-Beck studies Mt. St. Helen’s.

By Catherine | 03/11/2019 |

Scientists. Anne. Somebody reported human remains in far north North America. I helped to recover them before they were washed away. This one individual dated back to 1000 A.D. or earlier and this person had grave goods intact.
I’ve worked in the oil fields before and I’ve been employed on ships. These are male dominated jobs but I did well and I succeeded. But what I want to do is be a vulcanologist. I want to study volcanoes.
My research was done at Mt. St. Helen’s and that was studying to see if there was any correlation with grain size distribution from the source down to where the mud flow was deposited.

Engrave Your Forever. The Recognition Place Entrepreneurs Jason York & Thomas DeMoss

By Catherine | 03/04/2019 |

Entrepreneurs Jason York and Thomas DeMoss engrave cherished memories onto items that act as significant reminders for someone or a treasured moment. What makes their work special for them?

Spotlighting Prescription Drug Addiction Within the Medical Community. Dirk Wales Filmmaker

By Catherine | 02/25/2019 |

Filmmaker Dirk Wales reveals his experiences with films that he spotlighted prescription drug addiction within the medical community.

Outdoor Adventures, Espen Lysø. Dog Sled Training Kine Leines Skår. Norway

By Catherine | 02/18/2019 |

Espen Lysø, Norway. You don’t need to be a full-time adventurer in order to experience the outdoors.
-“Du trenger ikke å være ekspert, gå milevis eller ha det beste utstyret for å ha en fantastisk turopplevelse. Man kommer langt med det du har og lær fra dine eventyr.”
  Kine Leines Skår, Norway, Iditarod Dog Sled trainer.

Knitting Needles Changing the World. Darlene Matz

By Catherine | 02/11/2019 |

“Alone we cannot change the world but we can make it a better place for one other person.” Darlene Matz is changing the world one knitted hat at a time.

Marcos Mendonca, Travel Guide, Talks Travel and Culture

By Catherine | 02/04/2019 |

Travel Guide and author, Marcos Mendonca, shares his perspective on traveling and culture. How can I live my entire life without knowing how people do things and how they live?