Vietnam Veteran & Former President of MTV, Douglas Greenlaw

By Catherine | 01/27/2025 |

Vietnam War veteran and Purple Heart recipient Douglas Greenlaw returned from the conflict after a catastrophic injury. He earned a business degree and eventually became president of MTV Network. In part one Doug shares his experience of being hit by lightning as well as being on the ground in direct combat during the war.

Improve Your Communication Abilities. Dr. Michael Gerharz

By Catherine | 10/21/2024 |

Dr. Michael Gerharz. How can you improve your communication abilities? Mastering the art of communication results in messages that motivate action and encourage progress. Leaders light the PATH.

Loch Ness Monster Sightings with Sandy Gray, Scotland Highlands Inspector, Part 2

By Catherine | 09/02/2024 |

Sandy Gray’s great uncle, Hugh Gray, captured the initial photograph evidencing the Loch Ness Monster in November 1933, linking the creature to Sandy’s family heritage. Decades later Sandy and his police partner witnessed something in the Loch. Could this be the mysterious creature his uncle photographed decades earlier?

Sandy Gray: A Highlands Inspector Who Spotted the Loch Ness Monster Reminisces

By Catherine | 08/05/2024 |

Former Inspector Sandy Gray from Isle of Skye, Scotland, is Portree’s practical joker and taxi driver with a family tie to the first photograph of the Loch Ness Monster.

Zero Waste Initiative for Businesses, Heather Johnson – Ingenium

By Catherine | 07/29/2024 |

Heather Johnson, Ingenium’s CEO, oversees waste management certification by assisting businesses in achieving zero waste and promoting sustainable practices. Businesses have a significant effect on society as they shape the quality of their products and the environmental impact of the waste produced by these products.

Vindolanda and Hadrian’s Wall: Remnants of the Roman Empire, Helen Charlie Nellist

By Catherine | 07/01/2024 |

Hadrian built a wall to fortify the Roman Empire. Explore the remains of Hadrian’s Wall and Vindolanda in United Kingdom where intriguing stories are revealed through structures, clothing, letters and tablets unearthed. Storyteller Hellen Charlie Nellist, Roman Army Museum.

Unveiling Mysteries of Vindolanda and Hadrian’s Wall, ancient Roman Empire ruins in United Kingdom. Helen Charlie Nellist

By Catherine | 06/17/2024 |

Discover the Vindolanda Fort, Hadrian’s Wall, and Roman Army Museum in the United Kingdom to uncover the legacy of the Roman Empire. The Vindolanda Charitable Trust is revealing artifacts and stories left behind by the Romans. Experience the wonders of history with tour guide and storyteller Helen Charlie Nellist.

WWII Memorial Day Remembrance – Victoria Sanchez

By Catherine | 05/27/2024 |

Victoria Sanchez honors her cousin Laverne who served in WWII, and other Memorial Day remembrances.

Nature’s Expert Composter – The Red Wiggler Worm

By Catherine | 04/22/2024 |

Earth’s common earthworms live deep under soil while red wiggler worms prosper just under topsoil beneath decomposing organic matter. Robert, Olivia, Elliott, and Caris share what life is like in the 4th grade caring for worm buckets and how they use nutrients made from compost tea or castings.

Sustainable Beekeeper in South Africa. Mmabatho Portia Morudi

By Catherine | 03/31/2024 |

Mmabatho Portia Morudi, a sustainable honey beekeeper in South Africa, provides solutions and alternatives for rural villagers to stop the practice of insecticides and deforestation in order to save Africa’s honey bee.