Your Positive Imprint transforms how we live today for a better and more sustainable tomorrow through information and education.

Exceptional people rise to the challenge.

Positive Actions ARE inspiring positive thought and achievements.   

Catherine is your podcast host.  She finds people from around the world who are transforming how we live today for a better, more sustainable tomorrow.   Positive actions are inspiring positive achievements.    

Making positive imprints can be challenging, easy, exciting, and sometimes life-threatening.  

People every day are inspiring others.  

Listen to their stories at Your Positive Imprint.

What’s YOUR P.I.?


"Catherine is a great conversationalist; the perfect person to discover and share the extraordinary contributions of ordinary people."

Kristen McKinnis, USA Alaska

"Catherine's always finding good everywhere.  I think it's great that Catherine is sharing stories of so many inspiring ways of being in the world.  Her positive imprint is going to spread!"  

Maria Stevens, New Mexico, USA

Watch and listen to the video message. Plus see some of the faces of the many positive imprints.

Thank you for listening to the show.  I appreciate you, your time and your continued support.

This is a free podcast but if you would like to buy me a salad, or contribute to the financial production of this podcast, I would certainly appreciate your monetary support in any amount.  At this time I can accept donations using PayPal.  My support link is:

Thank you.


“Mental Health Awareness: Recovery and Healing Using Lyrics.” Your Positive Imprint LIVE with guests R&B artist Rawiri James and Pop artist Christopher Marciano. Rawiri describes himself as an addict, advocate, author, artist. As he continues healing and recovering from years of substance abuse he can now imagine infinity. Christopher Marciano, co-host for this episode, sings and writes his pain and his happiness. He moves forward each day with positivity and with every word he writes in his songs. Meet two awesome artists with amazing positive imprints.

Two female athletes from two different generations meet together to share their tales of sled dog mushing, training and racing.  Mary Shields is the first woman to complete the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in Alaska. Kine Leines Skår of Norway trains dogs for recreational sled dog teams as well as for professional sled dog races. From two different eras these inspiring women share their perspectives of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race and their positive imprints.  Joining in on the conversation for this LIVE show is co-host Brad Sedillo.

Most Recent Podcast Episodes

Vindolanda and Hadrian’s Wall: Remnants of the Roman Empire, Helen Charlie Nellist

By Catherine | July 1, 2024

Hadrian built a wall to fortify the Roman Empire. Explore the remains of Hadrian’s Wall and Vindolanda in United Kingdom where intriguing stories are revealed through structures, clothing, letters and tablets unearthed. Storyteller Hellen Charlie Nellist, Roman Army Museum.

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Unveiling Mysteries of Vindolanda and Hadrian’s Wall, ancient Roman Empire ruins in United Kingdom. Helen Charlie Nellist

By Catherine | June 17, 2024

Discover the Vindolanda Fort, Hadrian’s Wall, and Roman Army Museum in the United Kingdom to uncover the legacy of the Roman Empire. The Vindolanda Charitable Trust is revealing artifacts and stories left behind by the Romans. Experience the wonders of history with tour guide and storyteller Helen Charlie Nellist.

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WWII Memorial Day Remembrance – Victoria Sanchez

By Catherine | May 27, 2024

Victoria Sanchez honors her cousin Laverne who served in WWII, and other Memorial Day remembrances.

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Nature’s Expert Composter – The Red Wiggler Worm

By Catherine | April 22, 2024

Earth’s common earthworms live deep under soil while red wiggler worms prosper just under topsoil beneath decomposing organic matter. Robert, Olivia, Elliott, and Caris share what life is like in the 4th grade caring for worm buckets and how they use nutrients made from compost tea or castings.

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Launched Twice A Month!

O que mais me agrada e me faz ser sua amiga, Catarina, é a maneira como você vê o mundo, como se fosse uma extensão do seu quintal. Você tem vontade de abraçar a todos e sua alegria, sinceridade e amor me cativaram.  

Translation:  What I like the most about being your friend, Catherine, is the way you see the world, as an extension of your backyard. You feel like hugging everyone and your happiness, truth and love captivated me for life.

Dagmar de Morais
São Paulo, Brasil

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About me and my podcast

Hello!  I am Catherine and I am your host.

I am philosophical but also sentimental.  Growing up, life was spent in the outdoors camping, hiking, backpacking, traveling, fishing and singing songs around the campfire.  Often times my family and I were alone in the wilderness, except for the wildlife.  My parents told both true and imaginative stories which taught us children about life.  As a result, I enjoy telling stories and listening to them. 

My husband and I meet many people all over the world who share with us their positive actions.  Join me in listening to these achievements and perhaps reflect on your own positive imprint.  What's YOUR P.I.?

Please subscribe or Follow my podcast by clicking on the Subscribe or Follow button on my website or Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, iHeart Radio, Spotify,  or your favorite podcast platform.   This is a free podcast.

Enjoy listening to the many positive imprints from around the world.  What's YOUR P.I.?