Brad Pedersen of Lomi highlights that the key to achieving a more sustainable planet lies in creating a compostable clean economy. To address the disruptions we face, we must alter our habits. Transform your food waste into a regenerative soil supplement.
Brad Pedersen, a Canadian entrepreneur, has achieved over $100 million in annual revenue from his toy manufacturing business. He shares insights from his experiences, focusing on reducing food waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Lomi composts food scraps and compostable plastics, and listeners can use code YPIpodcast for a discount.
Boris Belchev left Bulgaria for Lithuania to study birds and work as a professional bird guide. Boris Belchev shares his journey to becoming a global guide for birdwatching.
Boris Belchev left Bulgaria to earn money for a camera and became a well-known bird guide and wildlife photographer in Lithuania. Explore his journey of funding his camera equipment and the valuable lessons learned along the way.
Inspiration Monday! Inspiring words and quotes regarding human rights and the dignity of life from a menagerie of podcast episode guests.
Author (Escapegoat Daughter) Misty Compton shares her journey of depression, and self-doubt. Finding the support she needed, Misty learned self-love.
Chris Hovorka from Midwestern University is transforming clinical practice for orthotics and prosthetics through a client-centric approach that improves quality of life. His mission is to develop evidence-based practitioners by reforming global university curricula to emphasize client-centered care, focusing on the client’s lifestyle, medical conditions, and needs in personalized care plans.
Skeletal muscles are crucial for daily movements. Dr. Chris Hovorka, orthotist and prosthetist, Midwestern University, focuses on enhancing stability and mobility. improving clinical practices for orthosis and prosthesis users through a client-centered approach to enhance quality of life.
To close the 2022 season is legendary songwriter piano player, Chris Nole. Being alive is really about having hope and purpose.
Songwriter Piano player Chris Nole plays across the genres jazz, blues, country and rock. He shares what he learned from being a member of John Denver’s band and how that experience grew his extraordinary talent to becoming one of the top piano artists today.