Humane Handling. Is this important for the Taste?Christine Deck of Deck Family Farm says that humane handling is good for the animal and good for the flavor of the meat. Deck Family Farm practices a long-term approach in developing a sustainable livestock operation. Specifically they generate soil fertility through the natural cycles of composting. Additionally they are…
Merle Powell. Everybody Has a Story To Tell Happy Thanksgiving! This is a Thanksgiving Bonus episode with homemaker Merle Powell. Merle is a resident of Kodiak, Alaska. Merle Powell grew up as part of the Greatest Generation. Furthermore that generation grew up knowing the depression and its difficulties. Consequently Merle most certainly understands those difficult times.…
Permaculture is becoming more popular around the world because it is useful in responding to climate change and also to constrained natural resources. Sigrid Drage is a successful permaculture farmer in Austria. She shares her holistic design on this episode. Permaculture is a sustainable design system that applies ecological principles that are found in nature. For example, some of those designs include regeneration, integrated water resources, ecological and environmental designs.
Ideum is a New Mexico based creative company focused on using emerging technologies to design public installations and products that lead to meaningful visitor experiences. Ideum’s creative designer, Becky Hansis-O’Neill, also a biologist, shares information on Ideum. Additionally, she shares some of the innovative and exciting exhibitions they built for various clients such as museums.
Allyson and Becky share the behind the scenes of how the now, world famous Penguin Chill came to be. Ideum’s creative designer, Becky Hansis-O’Neill, also a biologist, was tasked with the job of penguin storyteller using technology and creative designs. Part of that story includes climate change and science discoveries. Allyson Zahm of the New Mexico BioPark Society was tasked with creating ideas and messages for the curious visitor to discover. The two entities through innovation and collaboration bring interactive conservation messaging to the public.
Andrew Bracken creates public and private partnerships to invest in sustainable agriculture for small farmers across the globe. He collaborates with entities across the continents. Furthermore it’s about global food security on a planet where climate change is affecting food supplies. Andrew discusses global food security regarding Kenya and Mozambique. Partnering for Innovation.
David Royce and Michael Boyd were mesmerized with the authentic and romantic art of glassblowing from an early age. It is the water, fire and breath of the glassblower that drew them in. A pot where molten melted glass awaited the artisan to transform it into a breathtaking piece of art. The two share their stories of what it means to be a glassblower and what it means to be sustainable in a world where lowering the carbon footprint is crucial.
Laura Michelle Powers is a celebrity psychic whose passion is to help you access intuition and psychic abilities and to understand your own healing powers.
There are many ways that the unseen kind of energetic realm will connect with and work to communicate with us. Most people are just oblivious to that happening.
The Prizefighter, Kristy Sobel: “I was given about two months to live and I didn’t know if I had anything left in me. I hit the gas and headed straight for a cement column. Just before impact I started screaming “I want to live“. I boarded an airplane, flew out and sat on the doorstep of the doctor who said to me, “sorry can’t help you.“ And I told him if I’m going to die you’re going to watch me. Listen to The Prizefighter Kristy Sobel tell her story from her depths of darkness to becoming The Prizefighter and a distinguished humanitarian ambassador.
Filmmaker finds imagination from his childhood seeds of creativity. Growing up, Ryan Denmark and his sister spent their time creating their own universe through pretend play. They enjoyed a pure sense of entertainment which birthed Ryan’s entertainment career. His talent as an editor was discovered by Barry Alexander Brown. (‘Do the Right Thing’, ‘MalcolmX’, ‘Inside Man’) Ryan works on Spike Lee films, Barry Alexander Brown Films, and he was associate producer for several of the episodes of the Netflix SyFy hit, ‘Happy!’. Ryan’s films as a director and writer have won at film festivals – ‘Hell’s Heart’, ‘Romeo and Juliet vs the Living Dead’, and ‘Plush’. (‘Plush’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet vs the Living Dead’ were co-written with Jason Witter.)