Pat Helmers is an international business consultant, technology startup coach and podcast producer. His philosophy is the more you serve the world, the more it will serve you. It’s an infinite positive imprint. He is author of the Selling with Confidence sales system, host of the award winning Sales Babble sales podcast. But there’s more…
Do you trust your doctor enough to take the medications prescribed for you? Why or why not? Do you ever read the paper that comes with your prescription to learn what you are taking? Furthermore do you know the side effects? Do you ask questions of the pharmacist when you pick up your prescription? Some…
Larry Grummer-Strawn is with the World Health Organization. Otherwise known as WHO. The World Health Organization’s mission is to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable. Much of the world is a healthier place to live in since WHO came to be 70 years ago. However there are new challenges World Health Organization faces. Consequently WHO…
Click to view Christmas Card Your Positive Imprint is real life…true stories. People from all over the world share their positive achievements that are influencing positive actions. Hear how their efforts can affect and inspire you! Your Positive Imprint. It’s a global variety show!! By the way, what’s YOUR P.I.? Thank you for a wonderful…
The brain has an enormous capacity which we don’t utilize. Pávan Amancheria of India shares his training from Brighter Minds. The inspiration for Brighter Minds came from the need to leave the world a better place for the next generation. Their research explores the area of sensory enhancement. Furthermore they work at discovering the unlimited potential of the brain. This…
Lisa Hywood of Zimbabwe’s Tikki Hywood Foundation shares her philosophy and experiences in saving Africa’s wildlife. “I said to him, ‘why are we counting elephants?’ and he replied, ‘cause you’re going to help move them.’ The day she counted elephants was the day that changed her life. She realized that if mankind has a common…
Julie Cluff, a mother whom after losing two young children in an horrific car accident, succumbing to tremendous Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, (PTSD), has gone on a journey seeking answers and forgiveness. During this journey she discovered that helping others through grief and forgiveness is what her positive imprints are. Her mission is to coach those who have…