FEED THE FUTURE AND GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY, Sustainable agriculture – Andrew Bracken

By Catherine | 01/07/2019 |

Andrew’s positive imprint is that he creates public and private partnerships to invest in sustainable agriculture for small farmers across the globe. His job helps to provide real income to farmers and not just for subsistence living. “In Zambia we’re working on a tomato seedling project. I like to see the product in action which means getting back in the bush.  It’s valuable to see the people who are the ones intended to receive the help.  I like to learn the cultures.  In Malawi the culture is very alive with the Chewa ethnic groups and traditional clothing. With the funds we’ve reached over a million farmers world-wide.” …this is Andrew’s Positive Imprint. What’s Your P.I.?

Mary Shields First Woman to Complete Iditarod Race How she acquired her first dog team will surprise you

By Catherine | 01/07/2019 |

Happy Trails and Happy Tales from Iditarod Racer, author, adventurer and storyteller, Mary Shields. Mary Shields entered the Iditarod in 1974 and is known as the first woman to complete the Iditarod. She was told that she would die. One man yelled at her, “You’d better turn around now. You’ll never make it to Nome!” But she did. Mary Shields was born a city girl but wanted to live what Henry David Thoreau talked about in his books. She moved to Alaska in 1965 and lived in the rugged wilderness where she learned and loved to mush with a dog team. She cites Henry David Thoreau and Camp Fire Girls as her positive imprints that set her own imprints in motion—“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.“—Henry David Thoreau Mary lived in the wilderness to really experience what Thoreau was talking about. She says this about when her adventures began; “the conductor held onto my hand as I jogged along and when he thought I had my balance he let go.” While living off the land her friend had three dogs delivered to her via rail so that the dogs could help Mary with chores by use of the sled. The dogs arrived with a special note of instructions. Listen to the podcast to hear what that note said. These are Mary’s positive imprints. What’s Your P.I.?

Cinnamon Sugar and Spice Cafe Launch Party

By Catherine | 01/06/2019 |

My launch party is being held at Cinnamon Sugar and Spice Cafe. It is owned by Kanella Chronis. This bonus shorter podcast features two guests. Kanella and also James Garrigan who runs the Cinnamon Sugar and Spice Cafe cooking classes held at the cafe. Kanella is of Greek descent. Kanella translates to Cinnamon in English.
“I want to be a part of the neighborhood. A neighborhood cafe is where folks can enjoy the food in a fun atmosphere.” For Kanella there is more to her positive imprint than providing a neighborhood cafe. Her positive imprint extends to a childrens’ advocacy group. James is the lead cook for the cooking classes. James is the lead cook for the cooking classes. “Cook what you want to eat.” “The classes are a hands-on approach where every step is shown. “I got started in doing these cooking classes from a visit to a Kindergarten class. I was a guest baker for my child’s Kindergarten class and I had so much fun teaching them. They had fun. I wanted to do this for a living.” James provides cooking classes to both adults and children. AND my launch party is being held here. Cheers! Listen to their positive imprints. What’s Your P.I.?


By Catherine | 12/20/2018 |

This PODCAST is a variety show!!  Stories are everywhere.  People are everywhere. Your Positive Imprint is real life…true stories.   This show features people from our global community and how their positive achievements are inspiring positive actions.  Globally!!  Get inspired! Your Positive Imprint.  What’s Your P.I.?  


By Catherine | 12/12/2018 |

Get inspired! YOUR POSITIVE IMPRINT podcast is real life…true stories. People from all over the WORLD share their positive achievements that are influencing positive actions. Hear how their efforts can affect and inspire you! It’s a variety show! Your Positive Imprint. What’s YOUR P.I.?