Kathie Fishback Anthony Shares Her World of Dance

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Professional Career
Kathie Fishback Anthony earned her Psychology degree from the University of New Mexico. She was also a dancer who went off to Los Angeles and worked in films and other dance opportunities.
Growing up dancing she is thankful for the wonderful background that her folks afforded her in all of her years growing up.
Her first job was on The Dean Martin Show and Tommy Tune was the assistant choreographer when she auditioned. She danced on this variety show for a year and then moved on to a new opportunity.
Sammy Davis Jr. also was a part of Kathie's professional dance tours. She also did films such as Funny Lady, New York New York, and others.
For me, I love watching re-runs of The Carol Burnett Show and looking for Kathie in the Ernie Flatt dance ensemble.


Kathie found her soulmate in the bandstand of The Carol Burnett Show. Michael Anthony was a member of the band for the show. When Kathie saw him she thought he was pretty cute and she waved to him during a break.
Michael couldn't believe she was waving at him. He looked around and looked underneath his chair and then looked back at her. Their eyes met and they were soulmates. They've been married forty years and have raised three children.
Both of them continue sharing their talents in New Mexico, USA.
Fishback Studio of the Dance is Kathie's family studio. Her parents started it 75 years ago! This is where I dance and I love the art. For me, it's a way to express thoughts and feelings. It's beautiful and fun. Fishback Studio Fishback Facebook page
For Michael, he continues to play and compose music. He also partakes in Kathie's men's tap class.

The Joy of Dance Even After a Car Accident
"I don't even remember it. I was hit by a red light runner and I don't remember being hit. My car was halfway down the block and it flipped over.
My injuries were extensive. I was in hospital for two weeks with badly broken ankles, arms, ribs, punctured lungs, spleen. That first night I was tanking. It gives me chills to even think about that.
The care I received was wonderful. I was in the rehab for three weeks after hospitalization and was told that I could go home if I could take 10 steps. With a broken arm and two broken ankles it wasn't easy but I wanted to go home so badly.
Well I made it and I have been so thankful to have been up-right ever since and to be part of this Earth. With my love of dance I was able to come back in a wheelchair and see everybody.
Today I can walk but I cannot really dance anymore because of my ankles and my ribs. My ribs are cattywampus.
Joy is what I think of everyday. The world of dance brings me such joy and watching the dancers brings me much joy."

22 Year Old Raquel Miera Shares Her Dance Inspirations

Podcast Episode Link Raquel Miera and Kathie's Episode link

"I've been dancing all of my life.
I'm from New Mexico but I am going to school at Loyola University in Chicago.
My attachment is to ballet but I don't enjoy it as much physically buts it's second nature to do ballet. But I think that I really physically enjoy doing lyrical and more contemporary style dancing better and modern too. I find those a little bit more expressive than ballet. I still have a very deep appreciation and love for ballet because I've done it for so long.
Ballet is truly the backbone of all dance.
Dance has inspired my schooling because when I was planning out my life dance inspired me to bring out my creativity. I grew up being an artist my entire life and there was no way that I would be able to do anything that didn't use my creative processing. So dance has a heavy impact on me.
I need to be able to channel my creative energy into whatever I am doing and so I chose bio medical engineering.
Helping people is important to me. I want to be able to use my creative energy and to channel that creativeness into something that helps people. Dance inspires me in so many different ways."
Battling Stage Fright
"Stage fright is something I've battled especially in competition days but a lot of it was really rooted in self-doubt rather than my abilities. I think that I struggled with psyching myself out and I just had to realize that I've been doing this my entire life and I am trained for this.
Self-doubt can go beyond the stage.
When you're in competition you're really putting yourself out there for people to literally rank you. Other people's ranking of you can become a large part of your self-esteem. It took me a while to sort of break out of that mentality that just because I'm putting myself out there to be judged it doesn't mean that their opinion should make or break me.
At the end of the day everyone else's opinions can be subjective. What they think is not the end-all be-all. I have to have confidence and faith in myself and at the end of the day that really is what matters. So I try to apply that to all parts of my life.
Conquering self-doubt does not happen overnight. It takes time and you have to put in energy to try to improve your confidence but it will make a world of difference.
Sometimes it's not always age but experiences that breeds wisdom
Even if your positive imprint seems that it is smaller or unnoticeable I don't think there's any such thing as an unnoticeable positive imprint.
Sometimes you don't always see it. But when you're putting it out into the universe that positive imprint is always going to be there for somebody else to pick up on even if it's not immediately noticeable to you."

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