From The Yellow Brick Road to Magic Words – Kelsey Formost

From The Yellow Brick Road to Magic Words
People are shocked to discover that I was a child who was very shy. My parents were kind of at a loss for how to help me socialize with other kids my age. They tried signing me up for sports and camps and after-school programs and just nothing was sticking. As kind of a last-ditch effort I was put on stage.
My first role was the Munchkin Mayor on The Wizard of Oz. I fell in love with the stage.
While I was living in New York I got into writing and the film side. There was something that clicked in my brain where I thought oh my gosh, I can tell jokes! I can make up stories too! As a writer I can steer the conversation a little bit more than as a performer. So I really got into writing script and doing a lot of sketch comedy.
My family suffered a tragedy that brought me back to the West Coast where I'm from, San Diego. I was at home for a while and I made a decision because I was faced with this crossroad. Theater in New York on Broadway or I can pivot and do something completely unknown and scary.
This new path felt right. So I ended up taking that path and I moved to Los Angeles because I wanted to stay close to my mom who is still in San Diego. I moved to Los Angeles completely blind and I didn't know a soul and I had no job and nowhere to live. But I just decided that everything was going to be okay.

What’s in the Magic?
I am so incredibly happy about this new chapter. There’s a lot of people that ask me about it. “Kelsey you are an actress and you've been on television, movies and you've written scripts with Oscar winners. What made this pivot happen?”
Well the answer is I got addicted to helping other people feel heard.
So what I do is come in and work with entrepreneurs. I help people to best optimize the words that they are sharing to accurately portray whom they are, what they offer, and why it's important. It’s all about clarifying for people why you are in business. Also whom they want to connect with and what the messages that they want to share with the world are.
Putting everything into words is what I help with. That is what copywriting is and that is what Magic Words Copy is. So that is the kind of baseline the foundation the bread and butter of my business.
People need to realize that every single story has value. Every single person who is sharing something with the world has value.
Why I started Finding Your Magic is because I really wanted to dive deeper into entrepreneurs who are feeling this imposter syndrome. Lots of women fall into that category.

Magic Words Advice
Write how you talk! Your story is valuable no matter how you tell it.
Also give yourself space for frivolous enchantments. You need to love what you are doing in order to maintain that work-life balance. If you are finding that you are in a rut or running yourself ragged by all of these ‘to dos’ in your business it is just as valuable to take a step back.
It’s just as valuable to take a step back and reconnect with why you are doing what you are doing as it is to push forward at any cost. I think we lose sight of that way too often. Whatever direction my business takes me moving forward I know that at the end of the day what I really want is to help people connect not only to their audience but to themselves. Connect with yourself and connect with why you are doing what you are doing.
Reconnect with why you are doing what you are doing.
Now it’s time for YOU to find YOUR magic words. Kelsey’s information:
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