I Pass This Way But Once, Victoria Sanchez, My Mom

You will pass this way but once so do what you can to make positive imprints. What’s YOUR P.I.? Listeners ask me what life was like growing up. Mom, Victoria Sanchez, shares my heritage with you. Part of my heritage is of course enjoying and learning from the outdoors. In addition my heritage includes the positive actions of my parents Rozier and Victoria always rising to the challenge.
Love hearing your voices and the stories from Aunt Vicki about you all. I often wonder how life might have been different had we stayed in New Mexico with family there.
Thank you so much for listening to the podcast. I’m glad you enjoyed the stories. It’s always fun to sit with mom and chat although Dad’s a great storyteller with sound effects as you know. In answer to your own pondering of what life would’ve been like had your parents remained here–well Linda and I would’ve had buddies to play with all of the time. Of course there’s lots more in my mind to share with you.