Merchandise!! Rise to the Challenge shirts!

Your Positive Imprint Rise to the Challenge t-shirt campaign runs from February 21-March 04! Order your item now.
When you purchase an item I know you will wear it with pride as you consider your own positive imprints as you rise to the challenge.
Well, hello. I have Your Positive Imprint shirts. I'm so excited about it. Well, hello. This is Catherine, your host of the podcast, Your Positive Imprint, the variety show featuring people all over the world whose positive achievements inspire positive thought and action. Exceptional people rising to the challenge. Music by the talented Chris Nole. Check out his music and learn more about him, C H R I S N O L E. Fabulous music and lots of new music too, including Hambone Boogie and his piano blues and so much more. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram, Your Positive Imprint. Connect with me on LinkedIn. Check out my YouTube channel, Your Positive Imprint. Listen from the podcast platform you're listening from now, or of course, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Amazon Music., Pod Bean or any podcast platform. And for listeners who aren't familiar with where to go, then the easiest place to listen is from my website, Under the play button is a Subscribe button that will take you to easy links for some podcast platforms. And don't forget to share your favorite episodes with friends and family. Again, under that play button on my website is a SHARE button. Click that button and SHARE. Most podcast platforms also allow you to share. If you have the Apple Podcast app on your device and you are playing an episode, well, there are three dots on the right of the title. Tap those dots for a dropdown menu and Viola, there is a share. Click it and start sharing. Check out how to share from the platform you're listening from. I certainly appreciate that support. And if you'd like to give reviews, then please do so and make them positive. And keep those emails coming. I so enjoy hearing from each of you, and don't forget to sign up for email updates. And if you are interested in meeting guests and other, Your Positive Imprint listeners, Then I can start a group page. I have options. One option of course, is to start a group Facebook page or another option is to start a group page using a podcast app that you download and it's free. Let me know your thoughts. Email me, or direct message me. Remember, this is a free podcast. Your positive imprint. What's your P.I.? Well, Again, I've started my first merchandise store and I am so excited. Your Positive Imprint Rise To The Challenge t-shirt campaign runs from February 22nd through March 4th. Order your item now. When you purchase an item, I know you will be wearing it with pride as you consider your own positive imprints, as you rise to the challenge. My podcast is a free podcast, as you know, featuring people from all over the world whose positive actions are inspiring you. Right now, my campaign is to sell my brand Your Positive Imprint with those proceeds helping to assist with expenses associated with running a podcast. Thank you so much for considering a purchase. Well right now, my campaign offers nine different styles in various colors and sizes. Your styles to choose from are unisex t-shirts both round neck and v-neck plus an option for those snazzy warmer colors. And there's a long sleeve t-shirt a sweatshirt and a really rad hoodie, a Razorback tank and a slim fitted t-shirt and a classic t-shirt that comes in youth sizes. Again, various sizes and colors to choose from, and they ship to most, any place in the world. Again, the campaign runs from today and today, February 22nd is my sister's birthday. Happy birthday, Carol. Well, February 22nd through March 4th. And here's how you can purchase a Your Positive Imprint Rise To the Challenge shirt. My website, has a new menu page called MERCHANDISE when you click on that menu page, you will see information regarding my store and the links to that store. That's the easiest way. When you're at my website, you just click on my store through my website, The second easiest way is to find my store Googling Your Positive Imprint merchandise. Or you can grab a piece of paper and write down the store websites. There are two. Use whichever one is easiest for you. The website that takes you directly to my campaign is, I know. Lots of hyphens, but that's how sub addresses are done. Bonfire as in. Bonfire. A big bonfires. So the website is for this campaign and I only have one campaign running right now. From this site just choose the styles, colors, and size. You can pay via PayPal, credit card. And I think there's another way. But PayPal and credit card. Absolutely. And it is so easy and I'm so thankful for that. My store page is And by clicking on a shirt here, you will be taken directly to the campaign page. Again, shipping is most anywhere in the world. So again, three ways. One is through my website, going to the MERCHANDISE MENU page, the second, Google, your positive imprint merchandise, or the third, one of those websites, as I mentioned, Thank you so much for listening and thank you for your support. Also, if you are a business and you are thinking about t-shirts or tote bags or hats, please let me know. I can help you through the process. Plus, I receive a bonus for signing you up. Please keep me in mind if you decide to venture into merchandise. And. Thank you in advance for wearing your shirt and inspiring others to rise to the challenge and to help them identify their own positive imprints and to become active. Next week, join me and my guest, Andy Friedrichs of Norway, and learn about his beekeeping and how he's taking on educating guests on the preservation of bees. Your positive imprint. What's Your P.I?
Love this show and I’ve loved being on this show!!!
Thank you Darryl! Your positive imprints are certainly making a difference. I loved having you on the show. Thank you again for your support.