Mark Asquith That British Podcast Guy. Outspoken, NO BS

(The first part of this episode Victoria Sanchez shares a United States Memorial Day story and message followed by an update regarding past guest Darryl Carnley and masks for the masses.)
The world knows Mark Asquith as ‘That British Podcast Guy’.
On this episode Mark shares his philosophy on life. He started his podcast journey on the back of a rejection. Moving forward he dove deep into the technology world co-founding Rebel Base Media, a podcast tech and strategy company that owns, Podcast Websites, and more. Doors opened for Mark which provided an outlet for his voice through podcasting where he could air his opinions. On this episode he shares his success and philosophy. He’s outspoken with no BS.
When it comes to Mark Asquith, it’s not about the ‘what’ that he says but ‘how’ he says it.