Industrial Chemist Victoria Sanchez. A Woman Ahead of Her Time. A Mother’s Day Story

Victoria Sánchez is an industrial chemist, a scientist in the day when they didn’t have their conscience raised because there was no legislation protecting women. A woman ahead of her time with regard to women’s rights. Victoria reflects on her philosophies, accomplishments, legacy and motherhood. A woman of integrity. She will pass this way but once and if there is any good she can do she will do it.
I will pass this way, but once, and if there is some
Victoria Sánchez:good that I can do, then let me do it.
Victoria Sánchez:It is mother's day and I want to wish the mothers and grandmothers
Victoria Sánchez:and great-grandmothers and godmothers and stepmothers all over the world
Victoria Sánchez:a very happy and blessed mother day.
Victoria Sánchez:Whenever you celebrate it.
Catherine:This is Catherine, your host of the podcast, your positive imprint,
Catherine:the variety show, featuring people all over the world whose positive actions
Catherine:are inspiring positive achievements.
Catherine:Exceptional people rise to the challenge.
Catherine:You can find as well as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Catherine:Listen from any podcast platform .Music by the legendary Chris Nole. I'm celebrating my mom today.
Catherine:Mother's day is coming up this Sunday, May 8th.
Catherine:I am releasing this episode early instead of next week, but I will
Catherine:be back in two weeks with Stephanie Parks, your positive imprint.
Catherine:What's your P.I.?.
Catherine:Mom has been the guest for mother's day since I started this podcast.
Catherine:But this year I bring to you a menagerie from the last three years,.
Catherine:Reflections of motherhood and reflections from a woman, my mom, Victoria
Catherine:Sanchez, who was ahead of her time.
Victoria Sánchez:I'll major in chemistry.
Victoria Sánchez:I had a student who had a little trouble and came up to the office and he wanted
Victoria Sánchez:to be a doctor when I was a graduate assistant at Marquette, and I told him
Victoria Sánchez:what he needed to do to become a doctor.
Victoria Sánchez:Now that was:Victoria Sánchez:And to this day, all these years, I've gotten a Christmas card from that student.
Victoria Sánchez:He went on to become an instructor in the medical school.
Victoria Sánchez:He told me that he told his students about me and how I helped him.
Victoria Sánchez:And I said, and did you in turn help those students?
Victoria Sánchez:And he said, yes I did.
Victoria Sánchez:I went first to NIH, the national Institute of health in Bethesda, Maryland.
Victoria Sánchez:And he offered me a position, but he offered it to me at a GS five level..
Victoria Sánchez:I said, why are you offering me this job at a GS five?
Victoria Sánchez:And he said, because you're a woman.
Victoria Sánchez:And I said, what has that got to do with it?
Victoria Sánchez:And he said, you're liable to get pregnant.
Victoria Sánchez:And I said, thank you.
Victoria Sánchez:I don't want your job.
Victoria Sánchez:I went to the national bureau of standards and I was hired on the spot.
Victoria Sánchez:I was the only female scientist among hundreds of males at the
Victoria Sánchez:national bureau of standards.
Victoria Sánchez:I worked in industrial chemistry.
Victoria Sánchez:In that day we didn't have our consciousness raised because there
Victoria Sánchez:was no legislation protecting women.
Catherine:You are just a positive imprint in our lives, mom, and you
Catherine:continue to be a positive imprint
Victoria Sánchez:I deliberately chose to stay at a middle school
Victoria Sánchez:in what's termed the war zone.
Victoria Sánchez:in our city because those kids needed a good teacher
Victoria Sánchez:in science, which I taught, I did not use the textbook.
Victoria Sánchez:I used hands-on experiments
Victoria Sánchez:They called me from the national science foundation and they
Victoria Sánchez:asked if I would address the house subcommittee on education.
Victoria Sánchez:And I said, yes.
Victoria Sánchez:I put down some things that I thought were necessary for the
Victoria Sánchez:improvement of science education.
Victoria Sánchez:I did address the house subcommittee on education.
Victoria Sánchez:And I will tell you that what I said in that year, I could tell them the
Victoria Sánchez:same thing now, because I'm sorry.
Victoria Sánchez:Things have not really changed.
Victoria Sánchez:They have stagnated.
Victoria Sánchez:I was a junior girl scout leader and I had the largest troop at 46 girls.
Victoria Sánchez:Max was supposed to be 32.
Victoria Sánchez:Whoever came on the first day of registration, I accepted and
Victoria Sánchez:nobody ever dropped out because we had so many activities.
Victoria Sánchez:They develop their leadership qualities as they became patrol leaders and
Victoria Sánchez:arrange the courts of honor . That's all important part of growing up.
Victoria Sánchez:You will pass this way but once, if there is some good that you can do, then do it.
Victoria Sánchez:I think that's maybe neglected today where we don't teach the young
Victoria Sánchez:people to take responsibility for their actions and be true leaders.
Catherine:Mom, thank you so much for the life that you and dad
Catherine:both provided for the siblings.
Catherine:And of course the grandkids and now the great grandkids.
Victoria Sánchez:Your father and I are very proud of each
Victoria Sánchez:and every one of you kids.
Victoria Sánchez:You have all been concerned with the community.
Victoria Sánchez:You have contributed to the world, and we loved each of you as individuals.
Victoria Sánchez:And we were very proud of all your accomplishments
Catherine:And the strength in our success and also our failures to learn
Catherine:from them and to see, and to analyze our failures so that we can be successful.
Catherine:And that was a good upbringing.
Victoria Sánchez:Your father and I did so much together that it's
Victoria Sánchez:hard to separate our activities.
Victoria Sánchez:We were coyotes spelled a C I O T E S.
Victoria Sánchez:Cultural interpreters of the environment.
Victoria Sánchez:Your father and I gave guided nature, hikes to hundreds of school,
Victoria Sánchez:children ranged all the way from kindergarten to the university.
Victoria Sánchez:It was fun.
Victoria Sánchez:Your father would talk about the geology.
Victoria Sánchez:I would talk about the flora and fauna . Your father would
Victoria Sánchez:always take the Spanish speakers.
Victoria Sánchez:One of the things your father told me every day, I love you.
Victoria Sánchez:And I did the same.
Victoria Sánchez:And he also said, you're beautiful.
Victoria Sánchez:Like I said, we were blessed and we look back and there were
Victoria Sánchez:many, many, many blessings.
Victoria Sánchez:A lot of them, you didn't recognize at the time, but they truly were blessings.
Victoria Sánchez:I have heaven on earth with him,
Victoria Sánchez:We have five children, Mary Carol, Robert, Catherine, and Linda
Victoria Sánchez:As a family, we espouse faith from the very beginning.
Victoria Sánchez:An important part of our life was family.
Victoria Sánchez:We did a lot of hiking,
Victoria Sánchez:always close togetherness.
Victoria Sánchez:For the grace of God go I, and that's something to be remembered and
Victoria Sánchez:also accept people's best efforts.
Victoria Sánchez:. One of the things that we really enjoyed was teaching you all
Victoria Sánchez:about, protecting the environment,
Victoria Sánchez:Bus.
Victoria Sánchez:Public transportation.
Victoria Sánchez:That was part of, saving the environment as we later told our kids
Victoria Sánchez:when they wanted to perhaps drive.
Victoria Sánchez:No, you take the bus.
Victoria Sánchez:I, well remember the, some of the kids who, your siblings who were at
Victoria Sánchez:the university said, oh, goody, now we get a ride to the university.
Victoria Sánchez:And I said, no mother takes the bus.
Victoria Sánchez:Just like you.
Victoria Sánchez:We did all the things that parents do with their children, dancing
Victoria Sánchez:lessons, sporting activities, basketball, football, cross country,
Victoria Sánchez:piano lessons, guitar lessons.
Victoria Sánchez:We went to church,
Victoria Sánchez:We always taught the kids, everything that we could about the out of doors
Victoria Sánchez:appreciation for plants, animals, conservation, the environment.
Victoria Sánchez:They knew about the trails, how to be trail savvy.
Victoria Sánchez:We had two, three man tents.
Victoria Sánchez:So it meant four of us had to sleep in one tent and three in the other.
Victoria Sánchez:We sang around the campfire, my husband played the harmonica
Victoria Sánchez:and we toasted marshmallows
Victoria Sánchez:Unfortunately the oldest daughter ran into one of the
Victoria Sánchez:support poles of one of the tents.
Victoria Sánchez:It was aluminum, so it easily bent.
Victoria Sánchez:We had a storm storm reverberated throughout that
Victoria Sánchez:canyon, the thunder was loud.
Victoria Sánchez:The hail was even more devastating as it piled up on the tops of the tent.
Victoria Sánchez:Wasn't too long when , our tent flap opened and the other three came in because
Victoria Sánchez:their tent had collapsed and was a wash.
Victoria Sánchez:So we were seven people in a three man tent
Victoria Sánchez:in the morning.
Victoria Sánchez:It was beautiful.
Victoria Sánchez:The storm was over the people who had horses, their horses were
Victoria Sánchez:gone, they knew the way home to their corral, but they were gone.
Victoria Sánchez:My husband and son got the squaw wood
Victoria Sánchez:we were sitting around the fire enjoying our hot cocoa and oatmeal, a stranger
Victoria Sánchez:came up a woman and she was very cold.
Victoria Sánchez:We believe she had hypothermia.
Victoria Sánchez:She had no shelter.
Victoria Sánchez:So we applied her with coffee and hat things, and we had a
Victoria Sánchez:black tarp that we'd used for our seven backpacks to cover them.
Victoria Sánchez:We gave her the tarp so that she could have, a little shelter of some kind
Victoria Sánchez:and then we gave her a fry pan and our son went out to the
Victoria Sánchez:lake caught some fish for her.
Victoria Sánchez:We have eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren and
Victoria Sánchez:two step great grandchildren.
Victoria Sánchez:exico, parents of the year in:Catherine:Wow.
Catherine:That was a long time ago.
Victoria Sánchez:In your way of thinking.
Victoria Sánchez:In my way, it was only yesterday.
Victoria Sánchez:It was only yesterday that you were born.
Victoria Sánchez:My husband and I were married 61 years when he died.
Victoria Sánchez:We were the first family to get the New Mexico philanthropy award
Victoria Sánchez:our philosophy was you were put on this earth for one thing.
Victoria Sánchez:To love God, to serve him and to be happy with him in heaven and in, so doing,
Victoria Sánchez:you would make the world a better place.
Victoria Sánchez:Remember there, but for the grace of God go, I,
Victoria Sánchez:One of the things that I often said to them, to thine own self be true,
Victoria Sánchez:be the very best that you can be.
Victoria Sánchez:You don't follow the crowd, you do the right thing.
Victoria Sánchez:, remember yesterday, ponder tomorrow but live for today.
Victoria Sánchez:I said that tomorrow may never come.
Victoria Sánchez:You, you will never know, but tomorrow might never come.
Victoria Sánchez:So you live for today and you make it the very best day.
Victoria Sánchez:And I also said, don't ever say anything that's not nice.
Victoria Sánchez:You can never take back words.
Victoria Sánchez:So that was something my husband and I lived by.
Victoria Sánchez:I was very blessed to have your father for 61 years.
Victoria Sánchez:And he left me a legacy.
Victoria Sánchez:One of the things that your father wrote to me.
Victoria Sánchez:He said always will I love you.
Victoria Sánchez:Even in death, my heart will be joined with yours, continuing to
Victoria Sánchez:bring happiness through memories.
Victoria Sánchez:Live each day to the fullest and be happy and be, be yourself and
Victoria Sánchez:be the very best that you can be.
Victoria Sánchez:We were very fortunate.
Victoria Sánchez:We were blessed and we thank the Lord for that.
Victoria Sánchez:You always stood by dad.
Victoria Sánchez:Truly our camping and our, our traveling back to visit the grandparents were
Victoria Sánchez:always filled with adventures wherever we went, because, we made things happen,
Victoria Sánchez:I did make all of their clothes, their prom dresses, their wedding dresses.
Victoria Sánchez:And since Catherine is here, when we were doing her wedding dress, she said
Victoria Sánchez:she didn't want just a chapel train.
Victoria Sánchez:She wanted a little bigger train, so she got it.
Victoria Sánchez:But the most fun of that was designing her veil together.
Victoria Sánchez:.
Victoria Sánchez:Our family was close and supported each other in all the endeavors,
Victoria Sánchez:Our oldest daughter's husband went in for a surgery for a
Victoria Sánchez:simple bypass, double bypass.
Victoria Sánchez:The doctor said, oh, everything is fine when he came out, well, everything
Victoria Sánchez:wasn't fine because a couple hours later he lapsed into unconsciousness and was
Victoria Sánchez:that way for two and a half, months.
Victoria Sánchez:Our daughter is the, assistant provost at Washington state university.
Victoria Sánchez:And although she used her laptop to communicate with her staff, two months
Victoria Sánchez:is a long time to be away from the office.
Victoria Sánchez:Her sisters, the first one was Catherine said, we'll go up and help.
Victoria Sánchez:I said you have to go back to your office.
Victoria Sánchez:And your sisters are coming up.
Victoria Sánchez:So Catherine came first and she stayed a week.
Victoria Sánchez:And was there all day early in the morning until at
Victoria Sánchez:night
Victoria Sánchez:He had tubes in every place that you wouldn't imagine.
Victoria Sánchez:So then she left and the next sister came up and she was there a week.
Victoria Sánchez:And then the last sister came up with her husband.
Victoria Sánchez:I'm happy to say that today, he is doing beautifully well, and he's back
Victoria Sánchez:to doing his woodworking and yard work
Victoria Sánchez:and enjoying life.
Victoria Sánchez:The power of prayer can not be underestimated because truly he died
Victoria Sánchez:twice when he was in the hospital there.
Victoria Sánchez:We have been blessed with many blessings and we are very proud of our
Victoria Sánchez:children and grandchildren for what they have managed to, be involved
Victoria Sánchez:with their community, to be real, real people, dedicated, faith loving, and,
Victoria Sánchez:uh, as a family, very, very close.
Victoria Sánchez:We had Easter egg hunts and to this day, the kids still like the Easter
Victoria Sánchez:egg hunts., imagine that, and with that conclusion, I hope that all your families
Victoria Sánchez:will be well, a happy and blessed.
Catherine:My mother has taught us and of course dad, they brought us up with
Catherine:education that helped each and every one of us be good, critical thinkers
Catherine:with what it is that we are faced with.
Catherine:Being able to critically think has helped each and every
Catherine:one of us be a better person.
Catherine:And to understand the perspectives of other people around us.
Catherine:Happy mother's day.
Catherine:Well, thank you, dear.
Catherine:, well from both of us here at your positive imprint, we wish all
Catherine:of you, a happy mother's day, wherever you are in the world
Victoria Sánchez:and love and value each member of your family.
Catherine:Thank you, your positive imprint.
Reading the script now, but wanted to say what a grand lady your mother is. I sensed that from the moment I met her, and asked about the death of a loved one in the family. She took the time to get my information and later sent me a card. She took the time to connect with me! What a lovely lady! G. Robinson