Healing Powers – Energy within your soul – Laura Michelle Powers

Healing Powers
Healing Powers – Energy within your soul – Laura Michelle Powers.
Laura Michelle Powers is a celebrity psychic whose passion is to help you access intuition and psychic abilities and to understand your own healing powers.
Furthermore, one can use the information that you receive in order to change your life in positive ways. Healing powers.
She believes in the idea of a rising tide lifts all ships. The better that each of us is, the better we all are. Healing powers brings about positive changes.
In addition, she says it is so simple to make some kind of invitation through our mind and through our spoken words.
“Our view of the world is primarily based on our experiences. Those experiences are what we can see and sense and it creates our understanding. That said, I just want to encourage people to be open and to pay attention. There are a lot of ways that the unseen kind of energetic realm will connect with and work to communicate with us. Most people are just oblivious to that happening.”
She is author of several books. One of her books is Archangels and Ascended Masters. Right now she’s working on a book regarding her work with pets and animals.
Some of her other titles are:
Life and the After Life: Notes from a Medium and Angel Communicator;
Angels: How to Understand, Recognize, and Receive their Guidance; Diary of a Ghost Whisperer.
Learn more about Laura through her website:
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very nice thank you
You are quite welcome Faiza. Thanks for listening!