From Anxiety to Purpose. Freelance Writer Misty Compton

Misty Compton left the criminal justice field to express herself through writing. She’s a freelance writer who also runs a TikTok channel for anybody, but especially for those who are feeling vulnerable or who are living with anxiety. Misty says to be true to yourself and be authentic. Today she provides positivity, worldwide.
Hello, this is Catherine.
Catherine:Your host of the podcast, your positive imprint, the variety show featuring people all over the world whose positive achievements inspire positive thought.
Catherine:And action.
Catherine:Exceptional people rise to the challenge music by the talented Chris Nole.
Catherine:Check out his music and learn more about him at, C H R I S N O L E.
Catherine:Fabulous music and lots of genre too.
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Catherine:And don't forget to hit that subscribe, download or follow button, your positive imprint.
Catherine:What's your P.I.?.
Catherine:How do you open up to people about your feelings?
Catherine:Do you use humor, conversation, songs, writing.
Catherine:What about topics that are difficult to discuss such as your own struggles?
Catherine:Do you share your struggles with others and how do you share socially?
Catherine:Direct contact.
Catherine:Do you feel vulnerable because of the job you are in?
Catherine:Maybe you can't talk about your vulnerability because you might be considered weak or incompetent Misty Compton deals with these issues and mental health issues using her song, voice and the computer.
Catherine:She is a freelance.
Catherine:A ghost writer, but she also has a tick tock channel with growing global listeners where she shares positivity, especially for first responders worldwide.
Catherine:She is quiet on my podcast episode.
Catherine:Singing and writing are her outlets.
Catherine:misty welcome.
Catherine:Welcome to the show.
Misty Compton:thank you for inviting me.
Catherine:Oh, absolutely.
Catherine:Thank you so much for being here and sharing your positive imprints, regarding your transition, your transformation.
Catherine:You have this background Misty with the criminology and criminal justice.
Misty Compton:Yeah, I followed criminal justice, I think partially because my mother was a volunteer police officer when we lived in Canada.
Misty Compton:So she was volunteering for the Rocky mountain police.
Misty Compton:And from then on, I had an interest in it.
Misty Compton:But it didn't fully strike me until probably after high school.
Misty Compton:I was like, you know, criminal justice just sounds very interesting.
Misty Compton:You got a lot of factual things.
Misty Compton:And if when you watch TV, you see all these people having so much fun, like investigating and doing these interesting things.
Misty Compton:So I'm like, oh, that sounds like me.
Misty Compton:And I just felt.
Misty Compton:I could find a lot of purpose in the criminal justice field.
Misty Compton:And so I got my bachelor's degree in criminal justice.
Misty Compton:I got an associates degree in police studies and I have a certificate to be post certified as an officer here in Colorado.
Misty Compton:, it's interesting though, because 10 years pass and I'm just, I don't know, I'm just not very happy in the field.
Misty Compton:Partially it was like, my life was kind of crumbling my identity.
Misty Compton:I had no idea who I was.
Misty Compton:I was lost.
Misty Compton:And a lot of the things I was doing with my career were logical and factual and had nothing to do with creativity.
Misty Compton:And from a young age, I've been a creative person.
Misty Compton:I'd read books, I'd write stories, I'd paint.
Misty Compton:I crochet.
Misty Compton:And then I got into this field and I just lost my child self..
Misty Compton:And so I started writing again for a healing purpose and that healing journey brought me towards my career as a freelance writer.
Misty Compton:And so that's kind of where, where it all came from.
Misty Compton:You find peace with who you are when you accept who you aren't.
Catherine:Even if it's serious writing
Catherine:It still has a realm of creativity, because they are your words that you're expressing.
Catherine:Now you are in this new world.
Catherine:You've started your own company and you're, you're a freelance writer.
Catherine:Are you happy?
Catherine:What is life like?
Catherine:And what are your positive imprints?
Misty Compton:As a writer, I'm very happy.
Misty Compton:I love the flexibility, the adaptability.
Misty Compton:As a writer, it's been really amazing worldwide because
Misty Compton:I can work online, which means I can connect with people all over the world and help them with their businesses, help them grow online with their content.
Misty Compton:And I think that's the biggest impact that I've made.
Misty Compton:I do the writing.
Misty Compton:I do the research.
Misty Compton:Normally my clients will come up with an idea.
Misty Compton:And it's my job to research that idea, outline it and make it engaging because nobody likes reading a cardboard.
Misty Compton:So that's kinda what I do.
Misty Compton:I'm I got to make it creative and add some personality in there.
Misty Compton:And at the same time, there are some actual researched facts in there.
Misty Compton:So it's got a good balance of both what's considered a blog and article.
Misty Compton:So a blog is more personal, opinionated, but then you've got your article, which has your facts and logic.
Catherine:You're not writing a column where it's always going to be one topic.
Catherine:So when you're hired, these people have different topics all across the board and nothing is ever going to be the same.
Catherine:So where do you get the inspiration for maybe a topic that you're not interested at all in, but you're going to do the job.
Misty Compton:A lot of it is just personal experience.
Misty Compton:, especially when I talk about the lifestyle content writing, it's, it's things that I've come through, like gone through in the past that have some of them have tried crumbling me and who I am
Misty Compton:And that's kind of where I draw my inspiration.
Catherine:Even when it's not a topic that is of your choice.
Catherine:So can you provide an example?
Misty Compton:So I wrote for a, jewelry and self-improvement company and , they wanted me to write on perseverance and self-improvement and some of these topics like hit me pretty hard.
Misty Compton:Like there's just been a lot of things in my life that you really need to continue on.
Misty Compton:You need to push yourself through, even when you're feeling really low.
Misty Compton:I've dealt with depression and anxiety in the past and trying to write about these things is actually healing for me, it's a healing process.
Misty Compton:And so I'm able to take my, my current experience and past experience and put it into my writing about perseverance and keep pushing yourself forward.
Misty Compton:So
Catherine:Into the positive world.
Misty Compton:yes,
Catherine:with the content That you write, do you ever turn down an assignment because it cuts into your values?
Misty Compton:Yes,
Misty Compton:exactly.
Misty Compton:That's, that's exactly why I started this job.
Misty Compton:It's like, you know, I don't want to do work that doesn't make me happy.
Misty Compton:I mean, that's the biggest reason why I quit a lot of my jobs in the past.
Misty Compton:It was miserable.
Misty Compton:For example, like I wrote on a topic about vehicles and cars and I'm like, I don't know anything about cars and I'm like, okay, well, I did the trial article.
Misty Compton:I had to ask my husband multiple questions, oh my God, please help me.
Misty Compton:And he didn't know much of the stuff either, but.
Misty Compton:I got the job, but then I realized all of it was all vehicle stuff and I told the client, thank you for the job opportunity, I don't feel like I'm your best, your best writer for this type of content.
Misty Compton:And it was, it was really heartbreaking, honestly, for me, I actually cried about it.
Misty Compton:I was very sad.
Misty Compton:Um, this was closer to the start of my career.
Misty Compton:And I just felt like it was so hard to find some clients.
Misty Compton:And I had to say goodbye to one of my first clients ever because of the content type.
Misty Compton:But then I was very proud of myself and happy that I made the choice that I made.
Misty Compton:I like the raw and real.
Misty Compton:I just feel like this world is too full of the non real.
Misty Compton:It's just, everybody's there to please everyone else.
Misty Compton:And people often forget that caring for yourself isn't selfish.
Misty Compton:It's going to make the world a better place.
Catherine:So I had a fellow on the show, Mack Bailey, who is a music therapist.
Catherine:And he said there are two guarantees in life.
Catherine:The first is that we're all going to die.
Catherine:The second guarantee is that we have to spend every single day, every second with ourselves, the rest of our lives.
Catherine:So we have to take care of ourselves.
Catherine:And if we don't put ourselves first and foremost, then what will we have to look forward to.
Catherine:We have us, and certainly we share our life with other people,
Misty Compton:I totally agree.
Misty Compton:It's not selfish to care about yourself.
Misty Compton:I feel like a lot of people who, you know, they don't go after their dreams.
Misty Compton:They don't go after their passions.
Misty Compton:They end up following other people's passions and dreams and they get to the end of their life and they're upset and they regret, and I don't want to be that person.
Catherine:Well, and I certainly do not either.
Catherine:And I absolutely love doing this podcast.
Catherine:So, is there anything else that you would like to share about your job or about content writing and freelancing and how it inspires other people and the positive imprints that you're bringing to the world?
Misty Compton:Um, I'm not really sure if I've got anything else that.
Catherine:You're very
Misty Compton:I'm sorry.
Misty Compton:I am a little quiet.
Catherine:Are there any experiences that you want to share?
Misty Compton:Yeah, I've got some experiences.
Misty Compton:My journey into writing actually started with a traumatic family breakup.
Misty Compton:Um, I had realized through some research and just living with my family, that some of them have personality disorders.
Misty Compton:And those disorders kind of brushed off onto me where, what they believed, what they wanted to do was what I felt I needed to do.
Misty Compton:like narcissistic personality disorder, people kind of push off their, what they want onto you.
Misty Compton:And I felt like that's kind of who I thought I was.
Misty Compton:And then I moved into a whole new aspect of my life when I figured these disorders out.
Misty Compton:So I, I started building onto who I was and who I wanted to be.
Misty Compton:And unfortunately I lost a lot of my family because I chase my dreams and I point out the truth and not everybody likes the truth.
Misty Compton:And so it kind of went to like the downfall of my family, but I got to that point where I had to choose.
Misty Compton:I either choose my family, where they want me to be a certain person and act a certain way, doing certain careers, or I choose to be me authentic and real.
Misty Compton:And that's, that's my whole life's goal.
Misty Compton:My whole life's purpose is to be true to who I am to be authentic.
Misty Compton:And so I decided to choose me.
Misty Compton:And I went after this writing dream, an unstable career, but it's the seriously, the best thing I've ever done for myself.
Misty Compton:Ever.
Misty Compton:Besides marrying my husband.
Misty Compton:I love him so much.
Catherine:Oh, well, Misty, you're very transparent.
Catherine:Thank you for sharing that.
Catherine:And for opening up with how you have moved with your own positive imprints inside to get you where you are at.
Catherine:And it was through the negative imprints of others that brought you to where you are.
Catherine:And I'm sorry that that occurred.
Catherine:Just know that you are continuing to move forward with your own positive imprints.
Catherine:so an and you are much
Catherine:So Misty, you also have a YouTube channel, which is where your positive imprints are going global.
Misty Compton:So the channel is called the Core Cavity Line..
Misty Compton:And it's based mainly around mental health and first responders and what they have to deal with.
Misty Compton:And I mean, I've got a mix of other things in there, like hobby stuff, dog stuff, but the main focus was on mental health.
Misty Compton:We were doing a mental health series where my husband spoke a little bit about his firefighter career.
Misty Compton:And then I spoke a little bit about some of the mental health problems I've had to deal with, with family and other things.
Misty Compton:And so it would just play back, back and forth with each other on the.
Misty Compton:topic.
Catherine:I know that on there you were reaching out to, , first responders and some of the issues that they face on the job and, and you also had a lot of phrases of positivity on this channel so that people
Misty Compton:So besides just, on YouTube, we also have a Tik TOK channel, the Core Cavity Line where we also have the videos posted there, but, , we have
Misty Compton:The title, just escaped my mind just now.
Catherine:Of course, because you are on the spot.
Misty Compton:Of course, but in this book they talk about the roller coaster that firefighters police officers and really any first responder deals with.
Misty Compton:You get on the job and your adrenaline super, super high, and then you get home And what they call it is , you turn into a couch potato, you turn off, you shut off.
Misty Compton:You're below the adrenaline line.
Misty Compton:so it dips down so far that you're on autopilot.
Misty Compton:You're not even there.
Misty Compton:And it's really hard for like your spouse and significant other.
Misty Compton:And it's great that I read this book for my police job that I was trying to go after, or I wouldn't understand where my husband where he was falling.
Misty Compton:I, I needed to support him.
Misty Compton:So this book helped me understand what's going on in his head and why he dips down so low on this rollercoaster.
Misty Compton:And it's, it's sad the process that first responders have to go through of going up and going really high with the adrenaline and then going all the way back down.
Misty Compton:And so it's just like the snake up and down, up and down and no wonder everybody's exhausted in the first responder realm,
Catherine:If other first responders or police go to this channel, what can they find here that might help them.
Misty Compton:I think there's a lot of positive messages in our stories and I feel people can relate.
Misty Compton:, a lot of first responders are kind of they're pushed to the side and they're meant to be strong.
Misty Compton:You know, you can't speak up the truth.
Misty Compton:You can't, you can't tell people when you're weak because you were born to be strong.
Misty Compton:That's your career.
Misty Compton:And I think this, the videos we put out are helpful for first responders to know that it's okay to be vulnerable.
Misty Compton:It's okay to not be okay.
Misty Compton:And it's a place for people to share their pain and their, their difficulties working in the field because it's hard to find anywhere else to share them with, you know,
Catherine:Well, I'm glad that you have this channel and that it's available for anybody really, but definitely for our service personnel around the world.
Catherine:They can go to Tik Tok and that's core cavity line or YouTube channel core cavity line, and they can also find the
Catherine:Is that correct?
Misty Compton:So on, it's my writing business.
Misty Compton:And then, , the TheCoreCavityLine is specifically for the positive imprints , for first responders , I also sing and I sing a line.
Misty Compton:That's how I got the core cavity line.
Catherine:And again, that C O R E C a V I T Y L I N E.
Misty Compton:Yes.
Catherine:Well, thank you so much for providing that to first responders, police, and other service personnel.
Catherine:That is awesome that you and your husband started this.
Misty Compton:Yep.
Catherine:So as we close, what inspiring words would you like to share with the listeners?
Misty Compton:I would say always be true to yourself and be authentic.
Misty Compton:And just remember, , you're born into this world by yourself and you're going to die by yourself.
Misty Compton:So if you're not happy with who you are, then change it today.
Misty Compton:Really maybe harsh, but stop making up excuses, just go after your dreams.
Misty Compton:And it will all work out.
Misty Compton:Like attracts like, so if you're positive, then positive is going to come to you.
Misty Compton:So that's what I have to tell everybody, listening.
Catherine:Oh Misty.
Catherine:Thank you so much for that.
Catherine:So you are writing for the world with all of the research that you're doing.
Catherine:And sometimes we don't know it's you writing because it's ghost writing.
Catherine:Am I allowed to say that?
Misty Compton:Yeah, you can.
Catherine:I appreciate that you enjoy the world of being unpredictable.
Misty Compton:Yes, the unpredictable unstable world.
Catherine:Thank you so much for being here on the show.
Misty Compton:yes.
Misty Compton:Thank you for having me.
Misty Compton:I really appreciate you.
Misty Compton:From anxiety, trauma, negativity, depression to courage.
Misty Compton:Therapy, positivity purpose,
Catherine:your positive imprint.
Thank you again, Catherine! It was such a pleasure to meet you and be on your podcast show.
Misty, it was a pleasure having you on the show as well. You are an inspiration and I thank you for sharing your positive imprints. Best of luck!