Audubon Birdwatching Hugh and Urling Kingery
How many times have you been outdoors and commented to your friends about beautiful bird songs, but never giving it a second thought? What bird made the song? Why now? Why here?
Explore the world of the birds we love, but are often a second thought, with master birders Hugh and Urling Kingery. Together they share their love of birds and why we should have more first thoughts, rather than second thoughts about them.
Hugh and Urling Kingery take you on a journey into the world of birds. Here them explain why ravens fly in onesies and twosies, except when they don’t!
Many of us are hanging out at home these days and so backyard bird watching, or close-to-home bird watching is going to be on the rise for sure.
Hugh and Urling share ways to enjoy birdwatching and why we should care about the birds.
Enjoy the spring air and the bird songs as you step outside. Enjoy the inspiring and full-of-life master bird watchers, Hugh and Urling Kingery.
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