Dancer Kathie Fishback Anthony of the Carol Burnett Show shares her joy in the art

Dancer Kathie Fishback Anthony enjoyed a professional career in California. Some of her performances include The Carol Burnett Show and The Dean Martin Show. She also toured with Sammy Davis, Jr. Kathie finds joy in the world of dance. As director of a dance studio Kathie continues to be a positive imprint to dancers. Raquel Miera whom is also featured on this episode is a 22 year old dancer and bio medical engineer. Dance inspires Raquel daily. Her pathway into her studies is partly due to Kathie and her encouragement into the world of dance.
A delightful interview with Kathie and Michael Anthony, two wonderful peop!e. I was guided to Fishback Studio in Albuquerque when I was searching for ballet classes for my then three and four year old daughters. We were new to Albuquerque and Fishbacks was highly recommended! When I first met Kathie in 1982, I kept trying to place her and even said to her, “I think I know you from somewhere.” One day while watching Kathie teach my daughter’s class, she smiled and struck some pose and, pow, I realized I “knew” her from years of being an avid viewer of the Carol Burnett Show and the Dean Martin Show in my teenage years. That memory still makes me smile.
Dr.and Mrs. Fishback, Kathie and so many talented teachers at Fishbacks had such an impact on our girls. They loved having dance in their lives. One of them has remained a lifelong dancer and even had an opportunity to be a part of the Fishbacks staff for a few years. We don’t have any family dancing at Fishbacks now, but just the same, we are looking forward to this year’s recital. Best entertainment in town.
Congratulations, “Miss” Kathie, for an exemplary life!
Laura, I’m so glad you enjoyed listening to the podcast. It was fun to sit down with Ms. kathie, Michael, and Raquel. Thank you for wonderful note. I will let Ms. Kathie know to read it. Catherine
You won’t find better people than Kathie and Michael.