My Mom Victoria Sanchez Reflects on Family Heritage

I Pass this Way But Once

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Mike and Maka
Mike and Maka

I masked up to have a recorded conversation with Mom; therefore the sound of my voice is somewhat muffled.  Mom's hair is growing out.  No more bangs so she's wearing pony tails.

Mother's day 2020 photo
Mike and Catherine
Mike and Catherine
Victoria & Rozier Sanchez, Open Space Volunteers
Victoria & Rozier Sanchez, Open Space Volunteers
Mom and Dad
Mom and Dad
Mom and Dad
Mom and Dad
Victoria Sanchez
Victoria Sanchez
Catherine and Mom
Catherine and Mom

Victoria Sanchez reflects on my dad, Rozier Sanchez and his accomplishments and positive imprints.  She also shares my heritage of growing up enjoying and learning from the outdoors.

Mom talks about some of our family backpacking and camping trips.  Mom and dad told stories to teach life lessons.

One backpacking trip a tent collapsed in a storm.  We could've become hypothermic but with fast action we all awoke to a beautiful morning.

When we were in Mexico I got up at 3:30 in the morning to spend time with seals.  Dad didn't think I would get up that early but wildlife moves my adrenalin.

Join my mom as she shares my heritage.  You'll learn why I love doing this show for you!!

"I think families are paramount. Love your family, love your community, love God. Take care of everybody; accept everyone's best efforts. And I will say I miss my husband more than anything.

But we are blessed and I think people need to recall how many blessings they have in their life, whatever it may be. Thank God for the blessings that you do have and many you don't even know that you had, but you had many, many, many blessings. You just didn't recognize them at the time. God Bless all the listeners." ~Victoria Sanchez

Playing with puppets
Playing with puppets
Carol, Catherine, Mom, Mary
Carol, Catherine, Mom, Mary
Linda, Mom and Catherine
Linda, Mom and Catherine
Carol, Robert, Dad, Catherine, Mary
Carol, Robert, Dad, Catherine, Mary
Mom, Dad and Catherine
Mom, Dad and Catherine

About the author, Catherine

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