God humbled me so I could tell my story.
God Humbled Me So I Could Tell My Story

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Candace struggles with a dysfunctional upbringing. She is a writer and a performer.
Being a victim is not how she wants to come across in her story-telling performances. Candace wants to inspire people through her experiences.
“Why am I being this vulnerable and transparent? I would never share my struggles with other people. But God really had to humble me. This story is really not for you. It’s not about you. God is using my talent so that I can tell my story and inspire others.
My show is really about finding that freedom to choose myself and that it is okay to choose myself. I choose to be joyful in spite of my past.
Before I could write my show I needed to heal and forgive. I learned to not hide behind my story or my life. God put a story in all of us.
I have a strong passion for speaking life into youth. I travel around to schools in United States and bring the arts to students. Many schools do not even have the arts and I think spoken word and improv are great ways for the youth to express themselves and relieve stress.
Rwanda is a place I go and work with the youth. There might be a language barrier but the children get it. They're learning an art of performance. Put music on and do a bit of improv. They love it. I love it.
It makes me sad when people are not sure of their purpose. Maybe my storytelling will help inspire people to find their purpose.
Fame is the byproduct for fulfilling my purpose so I'm focusing on changing that one life. Hopefully more! My job is to leave this world empty because I came here full.
Those struggles are there and I was homeless once. The experiences helped me find purpose."
United Solo Theater Festival in New York will showcase Candace Nicholas-Lippman's show, A Rose Called Candace in October. Tickets on sale now. http://unitedsolo.org/us/2019-arose/

Candace in Rwanda. Teaching the arts to the youth.

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[…] Candace Nicholas-Lippman. Check out my blog and see photos too! https://yourpositiveimprint.com/blog/rose-called-candace-nicholas-lippman/ […]